Saturday 16 October 2010

Coalition Politics - How seeing the other side's point of view outrages journalists.

One of the less edifying spectacles to be found in the press at the moment is the desperate hunting of journalists and "commentators" (a slippery phrase that, and one that seemingly absolves them from fairness, even-handedness or even telling the simple truth!) for yet more reasons to hate our current coalition of concensus.

Clearly it takes away the fun of thundering against the primeval error of an idea or policy if the response is "actually - you are right, we have listened to representations, thought again and made changes" How DARE they do that - or am I missing something and it is the true nature of democracy showing through for once? I suppose the thing that the journos hate most is that by listening, our political masters are no longer absolving the fourth estate of responsibility for their ramblings.

The decision made yesterday to ring-fence education spending is a clear victory for the voices of reason and in particular for the Liberal-Democrat element, and is one that redounds to the great credit of both parties.

Now can we PLEASE apply the same sanity and common-sense to our Universities?

Dum Spiro Spero

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